Friday, February 22, 2013

This Is What We Do

This is what we do…
We confess with our mouth the Lord Jesus and believe with our heart that God raised Him from the dead so that we are saved.
We publicly proclaim the prince of peace who pardons and
Perpetually pray to the King of kings who cares yet
Continually stray from the side of the Savior he sent to come save us.
But He still draws us back to Himself coz He’s the shepherd and we are such sheep
So He leaves all to come and search lost sheep.
But sheep fancy adventure so we get lost again and again and before we know it, we are continuing in sin because His grace abounds, yet and still,
This is what we do.

We compromise, but call it keeping up with the Kardashians, keeping up with the culture so that we may reach it. Being relevant.
But they move too fast in all the wrong ways so that we start to adopt and adapt.
Before we know it our mental pictures are distorted because we acquire their frame of mind in size A4
Apple we bite and like Eve give ADAMantly so that we are wise in our own eyes.
Then we sew proverbial leaves to cover our nudity,
Wondering how much fruit can we eat and still keep our sanctity?
But this is what we do.

We flirt. We flirt thinking its fair ground to cast our seeds like a sower, but our intention is not to water, plough and prune, we just wanna bury the seeds and eat its fruit.
We forget the power of our words, and with them create imaginary worlds.
But these words are like arrows shot by a careless archer;
The French word for love is aime, these words, are aime-less.
But they are full of lust whose end is gratification of self; we are called to be selfless.
See, true love is found in the Truth who showed us the way by giving us life through His death on a cross.
But we still lie to our wives, lay in adultery, have sex before marriage and call it our moments of weakness.
Yet it is us who walk to the centre of the garden and meet the serpent, his apple a day keeps Doctor Jesus away. So we are left with broken hearts and diseased bodies…
But this is what we do.

We walk on the edge coz we know God’s angels will hold us lest we fall.
Brothers put themselves in tricky situations but those be under Satan’s sleeve.
We wanna walk the straight path, but some shawtys are short cuts,
Skirts cut short, long slit so temptation’s not a long shot
Her moves choreographed so no “CUTS!” like some sort of skit
Before we know it we are cuddled and soon after cut off from the Vine and scatter into the wild, because we walk on the edge.
And we browse on the EDGE, 3G
What appears on our screen as a link links us to what we know to be kink which brings us to the brink (or edge) of sin then sinks us into a sink that stinks and stains our minds. We need to stop and think before we have lost synch-rony with the King of kings and passed the curse to our next of kin…

But I know something we can do.
We can confess with our mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in our heart that God raised Him from the dead so that we are saved.
We can privately and publicly proclaim the Prince of peace who pardons and perpetually pray to the King of kings who cares to cleanse and carry us through.
Cast our cares to Him so we can live by Paul’s principle of profitable loss: “To live is Christ, to die is gain.”
We can surround ourselves with people who call on the Lord out of a pure heart, 2nd Timothy 2:22.
And because we become what we continually expose ourselves to…
We can daily read the word so that we may be like Christ.
Submit to God, resist Satan and he will soon take his flight.

I am not perfect, I too fall short, sometimes I just trip myself, sinful nature convincing me that when I am down I cannot fall any further but that’s a lie coz I still rise,
Like the sun, that though in the dusk of iniquity, I set into darkness, my dawn still comes from a gracious God and I rise and shine because His light shines on me.
My solution is in salvation, my answers in Jesus.
My question to you is…
What will you say when He asks you what you did?

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Benjie's Bossom: Peace Love and Unity

Benjie's Bossom: Peace Love and Unity:  Nearly five years after the disputed general elections of 2007, it seems that what led to the strife is still plaguing this nation. Tr...